


XRDS Document のメモ - インデックス

4.2 XRD Elements and Attributes 辺りの拙訳 XRDS Document のメモ (1) - 4.2.1 Management Elements - Yet Another Hackadelic XRDS Document のメモ (2) - 4.2.2 Trust Elements - Yet Another Hackadelic XRDS Document のメモ (3) - 4.2.3 Synonym Elem…

XRDS Document のメモ (6) - 4.2.6 Service Endpoint Selection Elements

The final set of service endpoint descriptor elements is used in XRI resolution for service endpoint selection. These all include two global attributes used for this purpose: match and select. service endpoint descriptor 要素の最後のセット…

XRDS Document のメモ (5) - 4.2.5 Service Endpoint Trust Elements

Similar to the XRD trust elements defined above, these elements enable trust to be established in the provider of the service endpoint. These elements are OPTIONAL for generic authority resolution (section 9), but REQUIRED for SAML trusted…

XRDS Document のメモ (3) - 4.2.3 Synonym Elements

In XRDS architecture, an identifier is a synonym of the query identifier (the identifier resolved to obtain the XRDS document) if it is not character-for-character equivalent but identifies the same target resource (the resource to which t…

XRDS Document のメモ (2) - 4.2.2 Trust Elements

The second set of elements are for applications where trust must be established in the identifier authority providing the XRD. These elements are OPTIONAL for generic authority resolution (section 9), but may be REQUIRED for specific types…

XRDS Document のメモ (1) - 4.2.1 Management Elements

XRI Resolution 2.0 で定義されている XRDS の定義をちゃんとまとめようかなと言う趣旨のメモです。Spec でいう所の 4.2 付近の話です。相変わらず訳は保障しません。 あと属性の解説は省略しました。*1 前書き The first set of elements are used to manag…

XRDS Document のメモ (4) - 4.2.4 Service Endpoint Descriptor Elements

むぅ、、、いきなり長いな。 The next set of elements is used to describe service endpoints―the set of network endpoints advertised in an XRD for performing delegated resolution, obtaining further metadata, or interacting directly with the t…

XRI Resolution のメモ

まず PHP/Ruby/Python を開発言語としている場合、OpenID Enabled のライブラリを使っておけばほぼ間違いないと言う事を前提に。 @freeXRI で遊ぶ 忘れてたけど @freeXRI で @id*zigorou って Community i-name 取ってたのを思い出したのでふと触ってみた。…